Monday, April 13, 2009

Teaching Your Baby To Love Reading

My little girl squeals with delight if you mention the words book or reading. We bought her a little leather reading chair for her first birthday so she could have her own special place to enjoy her love of books and reading. I was amazed that even before I knew about these baby reading programs, my little girl had some of her favorite books memorized at just 10 months old and would turn the pages of her Going On A Bear Hunt book and other books at the right time without me instructing her to do so. She obviously understood what I was reading to her and grasped the concept at her young age.

A friend of mine then told me about the baby reading programs and so I looked into them. I learned that children soak up knowledge like a sponge in water, the younger they are. Introducing them to words and reading young gives them a bigger jump start on learning and they learn quicker and retain what they learn too. We purchased the Monkie See Monkie Doo reading program and my daughter loves watching the DVD and looking at the flash cards each day. I realized after buying the program that you could make your own and it works just the same. I suggest going to your local library and picking up a copy of How To Teach Your Baby To Read by Glenn Doman and Janet Doman. They were the first ones who started these baby reading programs in 1964 and will instruct you how to make flash cards, teach you how to help your baby to learn words and then read books. You know your children best, so go at their pace and make it fun. My daughter is just barely learning to talk and we have noticed such a difference already in her word comprehension by spending time doing this program with her. She is still enthusiastic about reading and will always have a book in her hand throughout the day as she plays. We call her our little book worm now and can't wait to hear her speak those words on the page.

Here are some programs I know of if you don't want to make your own or if you are just curious as to how it works. You can look on You Tube to see babies actually reading or comprehending words through these programs. I highly recommend getting the book from the library to read too!

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